
St. Andrew RCIA logo 2020-01.png

RCIA - Christian Initiation of Adults Ministry welcomes and prepares adults for full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Some people become a Catholic gradually. They were baptized as infants, grew up in Catholic homes, received a religious education, and gradually shared in the sacraments of the Church. Other Catholics came to the Church as adults, sometimes already baptized, sometimes having received a religious formation in another faith.

The Church wants to welcome all adults who are interested in the Catholic faith. For those who think they might wish to become Catholic, the Church's Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides for the whole process of preparing adults for initiation into the Catholic Church. It is often referred to as the "catechumenate".

What Are the Stages of the Christian Initiation of Adults?

Period of Inquiry: (Evangelization)
The first stage is the period of inquiry. During this time Inquirers reflect on the Gospel message and the ways in which they can apply it to their own lives. It is a time for questions and finding out more about the Catholic Church and the value of faith.

Period of Teaching: (Catechumenate)
Those who profess their faith in Jesus and desire to continue their journey toward full membership in the Catholic Church then move to their next phase where most of the teaching takes place. With the help of a sponsor and members of the community, the candidate learns about the Church as a community. This period begins with a rite, which marks the formal entrance into the catechumenate.

Purification and Enlightenment
At the beginning of Lent the Church calls those who are ready to make final preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation, which will be received at the Easter Vigil Mass. This calling takes place in the special Rite of Election. During Lent the parish community joins the candidates in their preparation, and together they continue the journey toward the celebration of Easter.

Post-baptismal Catechesis (Mystagogia)
A period of fifty days from Easter to Pentecost completes the initiation process. It is a special time for the newly received to find a place in the community. This is the time for unfolding the meaning of the Easter Sacraments.

For more information, please contact:

John Anderson, Director of Religious Education
(626) 768- 9376



“To be the Catholic voice and home for all women, helping them to become the best version of themselves – living vessels of Christ to the world around them.”

Endow provides a place of encouragement and of community, educating women from all walks of life to grow in knowledge through our study guides, to experience and encounter who they are, to discover their purpose and to share with each other so they might go forth, presenting themselves renewed, full of life and hope, to the people around them. We have Endow Hispano groups studying Mother the Redeemer Tuesday nights from 7 to 9. We'd love to have you join us! 

If you are interested in joining or forming your own group here at St. Andrews please visit us at or email Katherine Meeks at