

May almighty God, who has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, generously bless all of us who are God's faithful children. May we always live as God's people, and may God bless all here present with God's peace.” Rite of Baptism for Children, #70.

Infant Baptism

The Community of Faith of St. Andrew Parish welcomes you as you come to plan the Baptism of your child. Arrangements for baptizing your child should be made as soon as possible after birth. Parents of children under seven years of age should contact the Pastoral Center to obtain information and sign up for one of the Baptism preparation classes. Both parents and godparents must attend one pre-baptism class. There is one class per month offered in English and one in Spanish. Parents should apply at least a month in advance for a baptism. Children age seven and over become part of the Children’s Catechumenate to prepare together with their parents and godparents for the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

For information on upcoming Baptism Preparation Classes, please contact the Pastoral Center (626) 792-4183.

Adult Baptism

Baptism is the first Sacrament celebrated in the process of becoming a full member in the Catholic Church. The waters of Baptism symbolize life and death, washing and cleansing, and the mystery of new life out of death. Through Baptism we are reborn as daughters and sons of God. At the Baptism of a child (or any person), we celebrate and reflect on God's unconditional love. Baptism welcomes the child into our faith community.

For additional information on Adult Baptism at St. Andrew, please visit the Faith Formation section of our website.